Saturday, 10 November 2012

START MENU in Windows8 - A confusing stop

Office 2010 Recommends Windows 8 Users to Click on the "Start Menu" Windows 8 is considered one of the most confusing Windows versions ever released by Microsoft, mostly because it doesn't comprise the traditional Start Menu available since the debut of Windows 95. Instead, Windows 8 comes with a Start Screen, but Office 2010 advises users to launch the built-in apps, such as Word, by clicking on the Start Menu. Now, we know that this has nothing to do with Microsoft and the Office 2010 installer was designed when Windows still had a Start Menu, but given the fact that Windows 8 adopters are confused by every minor modifications on their computers, such a thing would only make things worse. So, in case you've already deployed Windows 8 on your computer and you plan to use Office 2010 too, the installer is just outdated. Don't trust it, there's no such thing as a Start Menu in Windows 8!

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